归档: Sandra
How To Batch Add Symbols Before Numbers In Word?
Do you know how to quickly add symbols like pecuniary unit, length unite, and others before or after numbers in Word. let’s take an example. Here is a table of electrical appliance sales, so, how to add $ before each number? Highlight all the numbers first, and press Ctrl and H to quickly open the […]
How To Use Sparkline In Excel?
Here is a table of seven brand sales from January to June. If we want to clearly see the sales trend of these companies. Inserting sparkline is obsoletely the best way. Select cell B2, and go to the insert tab to choose Line. Choose the right Data Range and Location Range, then hit Ok. Use […]
How To Make An Advanced Chart In PowerPoint
When you are making your presentation slides. It’s terrible that the important chart looks so common. So, how to make an advanced chart to impress your boss or your audience? Let me help you. First, let’s insert a normal chart like below. Insert several cylinders without the outline. Now, this graph looks pretty flat, so […]
How To Create The Water Ripple Effect In PowerPoint
A cool animation effect always makes people’s impression. But it’s quilt difficult for some newbies. Don’t worry, there’s an easy way. Here is a picture of the cityscape. We just need to add a little effect to this image to make it look more advanced. The ordinary photograph suddenly came to life. How to quickly […]
Four Ways To Extract Unique Values In Excel
Today, we are going to learn four tips to extract unique values in Excel, or you can think of this as removing repeating data. Let’s get started. The following list contains many recurring names. Now, we are going to extract all the non-repeating names from it. No.1 Advanced Filter Select the name area and go […]
How To Use The FIND Function In Excel (Easy Understanding)
The FIND function can find a specified text string and return number that represents the starting position of the string. Syntax =FIND(find-text, within-text, [start-num]) Find-text: It means the text or string that you want to find. Within-text: It means the text within which you want to find the find-text argument. Start-num: it means the position […]
How to Use the RANDBETWEEN Function in Excel?
How do you generate a random number between two numbers in Excel? The best answer would exactly be the RANDBETWEEN function. So, how to use the RANDBETWEEN function in Excel? Let’s get started. Syntax =RANDBETWEEN (bottom, top) Bottom- The smallest value (starting value) of the range. Top- The largest value (ending value) of the range. […]
Five Ways To Find Day Of Week From Date In Excel
If you want to quickly find out what day of the week it is, are you ready to turn on your phone calendar right away? In Excel, there are actually five ways to quickly figure out what day of the week any date is. Let’s get started. No.1 Format Cells Select the area of dates […]
Two Tips For Data Management In Excel
My cousin Nancy is learning Chinese recently. So she put together an Excel worksheet and prepared to print it out to study. Oh, I guess Nancy is not learning Chinese, but falling in love with some Chinese guy. Ok, let’s return to the subject. Tip No.1 How to adjust the order of English and Chinese? […]
How to Draw a Bing Dwen Dwen in PowerPoint?
Bing Dwen Dwen is the official mascot of the 2022 Winter Olympics, it’s really so cute that so many people want to buy it. Before we get a Bing Dwen Dwen, we can draw one just in PowerPoint. Go to the Draw tab and draw an ellipse that is wide at the top and narrow […]