归档: Sandra
How to Show Duplicates in Excel?
Sometimes we want to count the times of repeated data in Excel. So, we need to show duplicates in Excel, and quickly find duplicates in Excel, not remove them. Do you know how to quickly show duplicates in Excel? Let’s take an example. Here is a list of names in column A. We can use […]
How to Speak Cells in Excel?
Have you ever met such a situation that you need to input a lot of data? You need to check every cell you type. So, you look at your date book and Excel table at the same time to make sure of the correctness. Here is a way to help you check your data efficiently. […]
How to Change Text Direction in Excel?
We can easily change text direction in Excel to make it look better or save space. For instance, here is a table of fruit sales in 2022. If we need to print this table at the end of 2022. The width of this table would be too long to print, so we can change the […]
How to Disable Microphone in Windows 10?
Some malicious websites or malware would ask permission to use your microphone or camera. Therefore, your need to do something to stop this. So, how to turn off microphone on our device to protect our personal privacy. Press the Windows key and click on the settings to open up the Windows Settings box. Now you […]
How To Create A Dynamic Graph In Microsoft Excel
Why can the data in the Excel chart made by other people be selected? And the corresponding chart will change along with it. Today we will learn how to make this kind of chart that can switch data in one second. Let’s first create a table to give an example. We first copy and paste […]
How to Batch Underline Numbers in Word?
We’ve learned how to batch insert underlines and how to underline specific text automatically in Word in our previous tutorials. Today, we are going to learn how to batch underline numbers in Word. Here are several paragraphs, now we add some numbers. Now we press Ctrl and H to quickly open the Find and Replace […]
How to Restrict Editing in Word?
Sometimes we change our word document to read-only mode to protect it from others editing it. If you need someone edit the partial document content but remain intact. That’s Restrict Editing in Word Restrict Editing can limit how much others can edit and format the document. Let’s take the example below. Here is a purchase […]
How to Disable Location in Windows 10?
There is a location function in Windows 10, it can record the location of our device. If you enable this setting, the Windows system would use your device’s capabilities to determine your location and Microsoft will use your location data to improve location services. But it also involves the risk of personal location privacy being […]
How to Choose Where to Get Apps in Windows 10?
The function of “Where to Get Apps” in windows 10 can help the users to control the type of app they can install on PC. This is mainly to secure our computer from some malware. So, how to change where you can install apps in Windows 10? Open Windows Settings and choose Apps option. In […]
How to Combine Two Columns into One in Excel?
How do we combine data from two columns into one? I’m gonna show you guys two easy ways. Let’s check this out. There are names from two columns A and B, now we need to combine these names into column E. No.1 Powerful Equal Sign No.2 Pivot Table Select the data area and go to […]