Microsoft Excel tutorial, Excel tips, basic Excel formulas, Excel functions, Excel tricks

Categories:Excel Tips

  • How to Calculate Summation in Same or Separate Sequence in Excel

    Date:2019-12-4 Author:Olivia

    If you need to calculate summation of numbers, let Excel do it for you. It might be easy when it’s in same sequence but a little bit difficult in separate sequence. So let’s take a look at the tip you can complete it in a simple way. In Same Sequence 1. Drag to select numbers […]

  • How to Convert Case Quickly in Excel

    Date:2019-12-2 Author:Olivia

    If you work with a lot of text-based data in the spreadsheets, it might be annoying because Excel does not include a convert case tool for editing text with small letters or capital letters. So, what’s the solution to a problem like this?Here we might help you out with this tutorial though. 1. Enter all […]

  • How to Set the Default Font and Size in Excel

    Date:2019-11-24 Author:Olivia

    You may want to set the default font and size once for all, because it can help to make your workbooks more readable when they are printed. If you are one of those users, who desire to change the default font and size, and select one that better suits your needs, then this post will […]

  • How to Insert a Checkbox in Microsoft Excel

    Date:2019-11-23 Author:Cordelia

    When making a form in Excel, a box with tick, which is also known as checkbox or tickbox, can be very practical. Let’s see how to insert it in a spreadsheet. 1. Click the cell you want to insert a checkbox, then switch to Insert tab and click Symbol in Symbols section. 2. In Symbols […]

  • How to Create a Horizontal Bullet List in Excel

    Date:2019-11-17 Author:Olivia

    Excel comes with a variety of formatting and layout tools to enable you to get work file looking their best and to put across ideas effectively. In the case of bulleted lists, the icon in the SmartArt section lets you define the bullet style and created nested lists. Here I’d like to give a simple […]

  • How to Insert Multiple Rows or Columns in Excel Spreadsheet

    Date:2019-11-12 Author:Cordelia

    If you want to insert more than one row or column at a time in Excel, the method is much like the way you add single row or column to your sheet. 1. To insert more than one rows, you can select multiple rows of cells below the place where you want to insert rows. […]

  • How to Insert Comments to Specific Cells in Microsoft Excel

    Date:2019-11-2 Author:Cordelia

    The way to insert comments to Excel cells is not much different from adding comments to Word document. You can also inform others your thoughts about specific cells in this way. Let’s see the detailed steps. 1. Click the cell you want to add a comment. Then switch to Review tab and click New Comment. […]

  • How to Set Decimal Places in Microsoft Excel

    Date:2019-11-1 Author:Olivia

    Numbers are displayed with no decimals by default in Excel, but some data need to be set decimal places as the work requirements. So how can we achieve it? The method is simple to follow: 1. Select the data which you want to set decimal places. 2. Go to Home tab, find Number group and […]

  • How to Convert Decimal Number to Binary Number in Excel

    Date:2019-11-1 Author:Olivia

    Have you ever been bothered by how to convert decimal number to binary number? Fortunately, Microsoft Excel allows to complete the conversion in a simple but effective method. Here is how you can do it: 1. Enter all data of Decimal Number, and select the first row of Binary Number. 2. Go to Formulas tab […]

  • How to Co-edit an Excel Workbooks with Multiple People

    Date:2019-11-1 Author:Cordelia

    Processing data with Excel is not always an independent work. Sometimes it may be unavoidable to co-edit a workbook with multiple people for collecting more complete information and reaching a higher efficiency. So how to make an Excel file editable for more than one users? 1. Open the file you want to share, switch to Review […]