Daily Giveaway – Windows 11 Product Key For Free!

From now on, we will provide 1 free Windows 10 Pro/11 product key per working day, which requires you to install Windows 10 Pro/11 at first. The code will be 25-character long, with 2 numbers been hidden. All you need to do is taking a guess and wishing yourself good luck!

Daily Giveaway - Windows 11 Product Key For Free!Daily Giveaway - Windows 11 Product Key For Free!

Follow the activities on our TikTok account perfectoffice and have the opportunity to get Windows 11 Product key for free.

NEW KEY – 02/24/2023

VXJBX-RN*7X-GGDJY-44BTJ-*MT6T (Each  * represents a number)

PREVIOUS – 02/23/2023

NKGJY-J*7RV-X*GC6-4PFXK-JXCKG (Each  * represents a number)


Check More Giveaway History. If you’re not good at guessing games, here we offer free Win10 product keys.

Sorry to tell you guys that we would stop updating the Windows 11 key for free from today 02/25/2023.(We started to send free Windows keys from 05/25/2020) Sorry that we can’t afford it anymore. But we can offer 55% off coupon to buy Windows 10/11 or even Office items.


Where to get it: Mykeysshop


1. If you are lucky enough to be the first one to guess the hidden characters correctly, then the product key is all yours and you can use it directly.

2. If you’ve already guessed the product key and still want another, just follow these steps, wait 1-2 working days for us to review, and we’ll contact you as soon as possible:

  • For Facebook users: post the activation screenshot together with a brief description on your page, follow our official page Myofficetricks.com and then Send Message to inform us.
  • For Twitter users: follow our official account @office_tricks, and post the activation screenshot together with a brief description on your page, also do not forget to @ us at the end.

Note: the screenshot better be in English (for our convenience to check) and should prove that your Windows 10 Pro is just activated successfully; the description should contain 2 partsthe complete key you used, and the fact that you’ve got a key by guessing the missing numbers correctly yet still want another. It will greatly improve our efficiency for confirming.

3. If you did not guess the correct answer or the key has been claimed by others, you can share this page to your Twitter (the button is just below the title of this page) together with the reason why you want this key, and @ us after following our official account @office_tricks. If your post can get over 10 likes, we’d also like to send you a key in 1-2 working days.

4. Addition to the guessing game, you can participate in either campaign 2 or campaign 3 just once, and can not do them both. We will do qualification inspection before sending the keys.

If you still need a Windows pro product 10 key, you can add our Skype (sandra.clark5533@gmail.com), we can help you to buy it at a low price!

5. We will publish the complete product key at 0:00 AM PST on the next working day, and also update 1 new product key for guessing at the same time.


1. If you’ve guessed the hidden numbers but can still not active Windows 10 Pro successfully, the most likely reason is that someone else has got the answer and claimed the product key before you. In that case, we strongly suggest you bookmark this page, then you can wait another day and try to be the first one to take the guess.

2. All product keys of this activity are at our own expense, only to benefit more readers. So we hope that you can read all the rules patiently, follow them carefully, and also recommend our post to more people.

3. MyOfficeTricks reserves all the right of final explanation.

Categories: Giveaway
Tags: giveaway

View Comments (566)

  • i love you olivia..
    Merry Christmas

    i Was installed new motherboard for my PC and my keys aren't working because it need the original part that replaced.

    my feelings brought me here.. thanks again..
    God Bless You Sister.

    • Thank you for your love and well wishes. They are greatly appreciated

      • Hi, if you can't active Win 10 successfully, either the key you guessed isn't correct, or it has been claimed by others. So if you still want the key, please wait patiently till tomorrow and try to be the first one to guess correctly.

    • Hi Tushar,

      If you want another one, just follow the rules in this post.
      Wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year:)

  • Can't believe this worked! Thanks you so much and have an amazing holiday :D

    • Hi Jose,

      We're glad to hear that:)
      If you want another one, just follow the rules in this post.
      Wish you a happy holiday.

  • Hello,
    I believe i have figured out the missing character on the following

    Answer is "4"

  • Hello
    I believe the answer to the above is "66".
    Many thanks.

    • Hi Dan,
      Have a try and if it works, then the key is yours.
      If you want another one, just follow the rules in this post.


    The missing#is8, but it won't activate. I'm not sure if someone else claimed? It says,can't activate because you don't have a valid digital license. Any way i could get another key?

    • Hi Steve,

      This one you mentioned has been claimed by someone else.
      We will provide 2 product keys per working day, just have a try on December 26th.

    • Hi Steve,


      If you want another one, just follow the rules in this post.
      Wish you a happy holiday:)

  • How do I give you proof that I used the keys to activate? I got the YT**X-9PF2K-BK38R-XB8Q6-XMF7Q to activate

    • Hi Jim,

      Please check RULES in this post, you have two ways to get another product key.

  • Key for 12/26 is:


    It goes through the activation process but doesn't work for me and says it can't activate windows.

    • Hi Anni,

      This one you mentioned has been claimed by someone else.
      We will provide 2 product keys per working day, just have a try on December 27th.

  • hello,
    thanks for the keys,
    i wonder where do you get so much activation key?
    just wondering,
    thank you,
    have a nice day.
